Saturday, January 31, 2009

Where is the "Palestinian" Gandhi?

I have frequently been struck by the irony of the so-called "intifadas." Here are the so-called "Palestinians" (why do I put the name in quotes? see Joan Peters, see Moses Hess and Theodor Herzl) who have sent their very children to take on the Israel Defense Forces. These children take their stand (while covering for armed adult terrorists who fire from behind them), but according to the cameras, it is the "army of Davids" hurling their stones against the Israeli Goliaths. Why is this still a debate? Children against tanks, children against soldiers, it's a wonder that there isn't more support for their cause than there is. But ultimately this cause of theirs falls flat. I consider myself a reasonable man, I don't want anyone to suffer unjustly. But the "Palestinian" cause elicits no sympathy in me, and it elicits no sympathy from evangelical American Christians. This isn't only due to our pro-Israel "bias," or pro-Western bias, or anything of that sort. It is because the "Palestinians" are not engaged in non-violent resistance.

Non-violent resistance has a unique power. As practiced by Mahatma Gandhi, or Martin Luther King, Jr., or even Jesus Himself, it was powerful in that when an unjust law or force was applied, their followers had only to receive the blows of their oppressors to prove the injustice. That is very different from throwing stones at soldiers or firing rockets from Gaza. Those are provocations, not non-violence. Non-violence is restraint in the face of oppressive violence. But in the absence of Gaza rockets fired into Israel, there would have been no recent Israeli action in Gaza. There would have been no reason. Without the stone-throwing of the intifada (with armed adults behind them), there was no reason for an IDF response. This puts the lie to "Palestinian" "victimhood." If the "Palestinians" ever go non-violent, the world will be forced to yawn and look elsewhere for its martyr's-heart-on-the-sleeve cause, because the Israelis don't really DO anything to the "Palestinians." There are Arab members of the Israeli Knesset, Arab Israelis are citizens of Israel, the Jews don't tear down mosques or Islamic holy places- they left the Temple Mount in Waqf hands after the 6-Day War (why? why?) and it was the "Palestinians" who ravaged Joseph's Tomb and set fire to synagogues left in Gaza (not to mention looting and destroying perfectly good greenhouses which the Jews were paid to leave behind). This is yet another one of those clear-cut issues. Yasser Arafat was never Mohandas Gandhi, and Hamas leaders have certainly not been, and Abbas is not, because the "Palestinian" cause doesn't lend itself to non-violence, because it is only about violence against Israel and against a Jewish State.

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