Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Why the Anti-War Crowd is All Wet

This is very easy. The "Bush Lied, People Died" crowd that claims President Bush fabricated reasons for us to go into Iraq are just off the mark. There's no debate. It may seem like I'm being too sure, but I'm not. It's easy.

The onus was never on us to Prove Saddam Hussein had Weapons of Mass Destruction. The onus was on Saddam Hussein to prove he didn't. Why?

Remember the First Gulf War? Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait, unprovoked. A coalition of nations got together and supported an Allied invasion of Iraq. Then-President G.H.W. Bush stopped short of toppling Hussein, and was criticized for it, but he did have a coalition to keep together, a coalition which included Arab nations. So instead of defeating Saddam Hussein, we forced him to Surrender. And Surrender always brings with it- Terms of Surrender. And what were some of those Terms of Surrender?

United Nations Resolution 687:


Read from paragraph 8.

And that's it, really. The rest can be traced from this. No need to list the resolutions. I will, however, point out this highly pertinent article written by Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice, which was published in The New York Times 1/23/03:
